Pittsburgh is rapidly becoming a hotbed for the biomedical sciences and innovation–there’s a reason why some of the world’s most novel medical solutions come out of Western PA and that the President continues to make Pittsburgh a stop on his nationwide tech tours.
Pittsburgh is packed with great science and business minds–and that’s just one reason we’re thrilled that our CEO and founder, Kelly Collier, has been named the 2014 Young Entrepreneur of the Year by the Western Pennsylvania Small Business Association (SBA). Pittsburgh has come a long way since it was a Rust Belt steel manufacturing town–and this makes Kelly’s award even more special.
We’ll be celebrating the honor on August 4 at 5:30 PM, with the Western PA SBA, at the Riverside Center for Innovation–anyone is welcome to attend, including ActivAided users, friends and family, and members of the local physical medicine and entrepreneurial communities.
Not only will we be honoring Kelly–who conceived of ActivAided Orthotics’ flagship product, a Posture Training Shirt, as part of a Carnegie Mellon University bioengineering project in 2011–we’ll also be hosting a free Symposium on Evolving Physical Medicine After the ACA. The symposium will feature a panel of speakers, from Western Pennsylvania’s physical medicine community. Kelly herself will speak about Treatment Through Innovation, and the role that clinicians can play in developing innovative products that can help patients retrain their posture and biomechanics. James Lomuscio, CEO of Hability, will cover Patient Relationship Management and how the outpatient therapist community can engender cost effective patient loyalty. Finally, Bob Wanovich, VP of Market Strategy/Delivery at Highmark will speak about Rethinking Utilization Management and the benefits of evidence based management principles.
Indeed, the entrepreneurial and physical medicine communities have been a huge asset to Kelly’s and ActivAided’s success thus far. And in the face of sweeping healthcare reform, we need to be more connected and collaborative than ever before, finding novel solutions to healthcare challenges old and new.
So come out on August 4 to congratulate Kelly and hear what some of the most creative medical minds in our region have to say! To RSVP, please email ActivAided Orthotics’ Marketing Manager, Jenn Lambiase.
Click here for more information about Kelly’s award; or, click here for our official event invite. You can learn more about the Western PA Small Business Administration here.