It can be tough to stick to your fitness goals on your own. Waking up at the crack of dawn, dragging yourself to the gym, losing interest in your routine…this isn’t exactly what you expected when you first made those New Year’s resolutions. If you are getting bored with exercising alone, group classes could be a great solution. They offer safe and effectively designed workouts for people of all ages and fitness levels, and the social motivation to come back week after week.
Exercise is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle, but without proper training, creating an effective workout regimen on your own can be difficult. Luckily, with fitness classes, a trained and experienced instructor has done all of the “heavy lifting” for you — all you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to participate. Navigating the sea of workout classes at your gym can be difficult; you may need to experiment, but in time you will find the right class for you. Here are a few popular options to check out:
You may have heard of spinning class, but if you’ve never tried it, winter is the perfect time to start. Indoor cycling classes are a good alternative for cyclists during the off-season, and they are a great way for you to work out with a focus on endurance, strength, and interval training.The classes are typically 40-60 minutes long and set to music that builds as the class progresses, or varies along with the intervals. Spinning is a great option for those who might not want to learn dance moves or poses, but still want the energy and power that comes from a group class.
The best part about spinning is the cycle itself, which is completely adjustable. You can adjust the seat for height, the pedals for comfort, and control the bike’s tension to feel like you are keeping up with the rest of the class, no matter your skill set.
Like yoga, Pilates is a mind and body workout that focuses on breathing and body awareness. While it is not an cardio workout, Pilates is easy on the joints and a wonderful low-impact option for flexibility, strength and endurance. It can be an effective way to work on strength training with the added benefit of having a trainer present to direct movements. Moves mostly concentrate on the abs, lower back, hips and thighs. Participants are taught to use their powerhaus,” or center, to maintain proper posture and movement in their daily lives.
While Pilates can be done using a machine, most classes are mat-based and last between 30-60 minutes. By supplementing the strength training of Pilates with cardio workouts, you can create an extremely well-rounded weekly routine to reach your fitness goals.
On the other end of the spectrum from low-impact strength training, you’ll find Crossfit. This strength and conditioning program is “hardcore” group fitness that takes place in an accepting and encouraging environment. It focuses on different muscles and skills in each class, using what they call a WOD or “Workout of the Day” through aerobic exercise, gymnastics, and Olympic weightlifting. It can be very intimidating to begin weight lifting or some of the more intense plyometric exercises on your own, but in the right environment and with the proper teacher, CrossFit can be a great way to ensure your physical safety by using the proper techniques.
Unlike many group classes, CrossFit isn’t as easy to simply “drop in,” but luckily most programs offer an introductory class for free to make sure it is the right place for you. While it is an extremely well-rounded program, it is also incredibly vigorous and is designed to push participants to their limits. Injuries are often associated with CrossFit, so remember to always put your safety first. Most classes consist of warm-ups, strength or skill training, the WOD, and then a cool-down.
If you’re worried you won’t enjoy this dance fitness class, you should know that the official catchphrase of Zumba is, “Ditch the Workout, Join the Party.” It combines aerobics with dance styles from all over the world and is an extremely cool way to get moving. Although fun is their signature, Zumba is also an incredibly effective cardio workout. In addition to cardio, the movements are great for gaining core strength and flexibility.
Most Zumba classes typically last 45-60 minutes and feature popular music as well as the traditional Latin dance beats from which it originated. The instructor will lead a choreographed dance to each song using dance movements combined with moves like squats and lunges to give you a full-body workout. Though dance can be intimidating at first, the moves in Zumba are specifically created to be repetitive and easy to learn, so you will be dancing like a pro in no time.
Whether you’re simply looking to change up your workout routine or need help taking that first step on your fitness journey, you will learn, stay motivated, and meet new people in a fun and friendly environment with group fitness classes. As with any new workout method, it may take some time to find the right fit for you, but once you do you’ll be on your way to a fun and successful workout routine.