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Tag - Heal

Tips for Eating and Exercising When Sick

Flu season is here. Should you be sweating or resting when you’re sick? Many people try to keep up their normal daily routine when they are sick. However, you may want to put the brakes on working out and eating your normal diet if you’re not feeling well. When you’re sick, your body needs certain nutrients and lots of rest to boost your immune system in order to help you get healthier faster. But where exactly do you draw the…

Why Piriformis Syndrome Is a Pain in the Butt

The piriformis is a muscle in your buttocks, right behind the hip joint, running from your lower back to the outer hip bone. Piriformis syndrome is caused when the muscle and its tendon are too tight and pinch, rub, or tether against the sciatic nerve, causing pain and irritation to the nerve. It also leads to a decrease in blood flow to the area. There are no specific tests that can be done to accurately diagnose the syndrome, which leads…

Roads Hurting Your Knees and Back? Try an Elliptical Trainer.

While streets and roads can offer consistent flat surfaces for running, they’re not great for your body. Constantly running outside or even on treadmills can lead to anterior knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and stress fractures. Elliptical training is a low-impact exercise that can help alleviate back pain. Ellipticals have pedals suspended off the ground that move in an oval motion. These pedals help simulate walking, running, stair-stepping, and even cross-country skiing, but without the impact on your joints. Most ellipticals have varying incline…

Can Pilates Alleviate Back Pain?

Pilates is a great low-impact form of exercise. Not only does it increase your core strength and endurance level, but it has also been proven to decrease chronic back pain. Pilates focuses on how our body parts are lined up in relation to each other -- our alignment. These exercises work to improve the strength and flexibility of your body and muscles. It concentrates on the hip and shoulder areas in particular to prevent unnecessary strain on the back. Pilates…

Can A Chiropractor Help My Back Pain?

Have you tried almost everything to fix your back pain? If so, you may benefit from seeing a chiropractor. The chiropractic profession has gone through quite the revolution since its inception back in the late 1800s. Today, it is seen as a legitimate form of medical care, with over 22 million visits to a chiropractor every year in the U.S. Role of a Chiropractor A chiropractor is a healthcare professional that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders.…

Massages: Rub Back Pain the Right Way

We know how you feel sometimes, sitting at your desk all day, stretching your back and neck. All you want is to go home and get a massage from your loving significant other. But why don’t you invest in a professional massage? A licensed masseuse has underwent the rigorous training to become board certified. They know what areas to focus on to alleviate pain versus stress. Although a massage from your roommate or loved one might be passable, we think…

How to Prevent Back Pain When Golfing

Golf is a fun and relaxing sport that requires time, patience, and skill. It is one of America’s all time favorite sports and you don’t necessarily even have to be good at it to go out, walk 18 holes, and have a great time--it’s also great exercise. However, there are injury risks in golf just like in any other sport. The most common golf injuries are muscle strains and disc injuries.  Most recently we have seen a large amount of…

Straightening Out 6 Myths About Back Pain

According to the National Institute for Arthritis and Muscoloskeletal Diseases, 8 out of every 10 people experience back pain at some point in their lives. Although conditions like sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and arthritis are extremely common, there’s still some misinformation floating around that we wanted to “straighten out.” Knowledge is power (as is a strong back!), so we thought we’d pass along some common misconceptions about back pain: Myth 1 Back pain will inevitably lead to permanent disability or…

In Recovery, Compression Makes an Impression

One of the distinguishing characteristics of our posture-training shirt is the way it hugs the user’s body. While many traditional spine braces are made of hard components that force your body into the “ideal” posture, ActivAided comfortably, naturally trains your body into better posture--equipped with scapular correction straps, an abdominal engagement system, and a lumbar stabilization belt, the shirt gently activates your core, relieves pressure on the spine, and encourages good posture. And that’s one of the ways ActivAided differs from traditional back…

Do I Need Physical Therapy?

You don’t need to be in your golden years or be recovering from a serious injury in order to benefit from physical therapy. In fact, physical therapists are trained to treat most common chronic issues, including the normal aging process and general wear and tear that your body experiences over the years. Although many patients are in physical therapy for knee, hip, and spine issues, there are a range of other ailments that can be treated by a licensed physical…

Reduce Aches and Pains with a Proper Bike Fit

One of the primary reasons people turn to cycling is because it’s relatively low-impact, compared to other forms of exercise like running or weight lifting. Low-impact exercises like cycling can reduce joint damage, help you lose weight, and improve your cardiovascular health--but without a properly sized and adjusted bicycle, you may miss out on these important benefits. Whether you’re a competitive triathlete or just enjoy the occasional weekend ride, a properly fitted bike can also help you improve your pedaling…