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Author - ActivJenn

Relieving Spinal Stenosis as You Age

ActivAided Blog

Golf legend Arnold Palmer is expected to have surgery later this year to relieve the pressure caused by his spinal stenosis. At age 84 and having spent much of his life golfing at a professional level, he’s surely…

Yoga Poses to Relieve Cycling Lower Back Pain

ActivAided Blog

According to a study by the American Journal of Sports Medicine, back pain is the most common overuse injury among cyclist, with 58 percent of cyclists polled experiencing such symptoms in the previous year and 41 percent seeking…

Attack Weight Loss From Both Ends!

ActivAided Blog

By John W Mitchell A clever wag once noted it was ironic that in the average bookstore diet books can be found somewhere between the humor and fiction sections.  While such an observation is funny, it’s no joke…

Exercise as Medicine

ActivAided Blog

by Rochelle Bohannon med·i·cine noun the science or practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease The word medicine is most synonymous with "pill" or "drug." Far too often, when we walk into a doctor's office with an…

5 Household Items to Use for Strength Training

ActivAided Blog

by Lora Mays Starting a strength-training program can be done without a gym membership or any fancy equipment. Believe it or not, your home is brimming with tools that can help you build your muscles and create a…

Join the Gym in Your Living Room

ActivAided Blog

by John W. Mitchell This time of the year I find there is an inverse relationship between the hours of daylight and my enthusiasm for exercise. The shortest day of the year – the Winter Solstice - occurs…

Get Fit Fast…er, Slowly

ActivAided Blog

by David Throop If you’re like most people, you know you should probably get up off the couch and get some exercise. You may even have some specific fitness goals in mind and are eager to get started.…

Interval Training – The Magic Bullet of Exercise

ActivAided Blog

by John W. Mitchell A few years ago my personal physician enrolled his entire practice in a national study to measure the effects of patient behavior modification as a form of preventative medicine. He was an older doctor…

Getting to Know the Lumbar Spine

by Dr. Gary Chimes

ActivAided Blog, Doctor's Corner

Understanding the Spine The lumbar spine is designed as a series of cushioning and gaskets. A lot of people incorrectly refer to the disc as a shock absorber, and sometimes they’ll call it a jelly donut, but that’s…

Staying Safe in Cold Weather

ActivAided Blog

by Virginia Cunningham When you were younger, it might have been fun to play outside in the crisp cold air, especially if it was a Saturday afternoon and a game of touch football. The cold breeze was refreshing,…

The Skinny on Fat

ActivAided Blog

It seems everyone has a different view of fat. In case this is not yours, let me just say, fat is not the enemy!  Yes, your body can make its own fat, but dietary fat is essential for…