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Author - ActivJenn

The Kinetic Chain and Biomechanics

ActivAided Blog

The Kinetic Chain: What is it? No surprise, our bodies are complex systems. What we sometimes forget, though, is that everything is interconnected. So when one part is not working optimally, it throws off ten others. Remember singing…

The Ohs and Ows of Back Pain

ActivAided Blog

You’re not alone. An approximate 80% of the population will have back pain at one time or another. In America, over 26 million suffer from frequent back pain. It can range from soreness that will go away in…

What is Posture?

ActivAided Blog

In a physiological sense, posture is the relationship among the skeleton, muscles, and other tissues of the body as it is held upright against gravity. It is as important to good health as proper nutrition, exercise, and a…

A Stability Ball Can Do Your Body Good

ActivAided Blog

Looking for an easy to adopt, whole body workout? Look no further than the stability ball. Inexpensive, lightweight, and easily incorporated into any routine, the stability ball has become a fitness staple. Whether doing targeted exercises, or just…

Simple Tricks for Back Pain Relief

ActivAided Blog

We use our back for pretty much everything. Even simple activities usually require some effort on its part, and even simple activities can cause a problem. The most common back problems are muscle pulls and strains. Although quite…

Back Pain and How Posture Training Can Help

by Dr. Gary Chimes

ActivAided Blog, Doctor's Corner

Low back pain is the second most common reason that people go to see physicians and it is a natural consequence of being a human. One of the things that happens over time is that people get into postural…

The Genesis of ActivAided

by Dr. Gary Chimes

ActivAided Blog, Doctor's Corner

The genesis of the ActivAided brace was an opportunity where I was working with some engineer students from Carnegie Mellon. It was a really great, energetic group of students, and they were looking at intraoperative devices for people…