The ActivAided Base Shirt is the standard shirt component of ActivAided Elite, without the Lumbar Belt or Back Positioning Panel. If you want to replace your current garment, or have an extra shirt on hand to avoid doing laundry as much, the RecoveryAid Base Shirt is for you. You can simply transfer your Lumbar Belt and Back Positioning Panel from one Base Shirt to another. Alternatively, the RecoveryAid Base Shirt can be a stand-alone option for those who want to correct their slouching shoulders, but don’t have significant back pain.
Great for Slouching Shoulders
In itself, the ActivAided Base Shirt can be a great option for those solely concerned with slouching shoulders. The included Shoulder Straps and Core Activation Straps will help guide upper body positioning and teach correct shoulder placement.
Please note those looking for lumbar and comprehensive back pain relief will benefit more from wearing ActivAided Elite with all of its components. Since the body has a tendency to overcompensate for a change in one area by altering another, the added components of ActivAided Elite will ensure you are learning correct habits right off the bat.